Holiday Update: Signa is closed until Jan 5, 2025. Happy holidays!


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January 31, 2020 1 min read

Every single person has their very own area of expertise that they have spent years developing, and if YOUR area isn’t tech… that’s okay!

Society today makes us feel that if there is a problem with your computer or phone or tablet that you can’t fix, then you’re somehow in the wrong which is so frustrating and simply not true. 

And that’s where we come in :)

We’ve made tech OUR area of expertise and we’re here to help. If you need PC on-site service our experts are here to answer any question you may have, and no question is too small!

PC’s are such a huge part of our lives, even becoming home to almost all of our memories and laughs documented through photos, videos, or even journal entries. So we understand that when something goes wrong, it’s scary!

We’ll listen to your issue and make sure we prescribe the best course of action. Over the past 26+ years, we have provided clients with the right solution for their needs and budget. Our clients have come to expect the professionalism we offer, the peace of mind that we promise, and the quality of work we deliver. With 

So go make as many memories as you can, because with Signa’s on-site service, they’ll never be forgotten.