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March 06, 2020 1 min read

...And All I Got Was This Lousy Pair Of Socks!

In this age of online shopping, texting, and emailing - it’s not often you get something cool and unexpected in your (snail)mailbox.

So when I walked over to take a look inside mine, I honestly couldn't believe my eyes 👀

I actually had something in there that wasn’t bills or advertisements!

Google sent us over a little gift which even included a nifty pair of socks:

“A gift for your next adventure. Here’s a token of thanks for helping millions of people explore the world on Google Maps. Show off your Local Guides pride everywhere you go.”

It may not be much, but even something small made our day over here at Signa.

Thanks Google!

Have you ever gotten something unexpected in the mail? Comment below :)